This program runs for 1 hour on
Tuesday - 9.15am and 10.30am
Thursday - 9.15am
Passes can be purchased in the portal shop by selecting 1, 5 or 10 visit passes and then using them through your Account.
Gym Discovery Booking Information (pdf)
DownloadWe welcome ages from 0 to 5 years old. Whether your little one is rolling, crawling, walking or running, they can learn and develop through play.
TGR's Gym Discovery is a non-structured parent assisted program which provides the opportunity for your little one to explore and develop their physical potential in a safe and friendly multi-sensory environment.
With no sign-up commitment, why not come along and give it a try!
Members are children or siblings of children that are enrolled in any of our recreational term classes.
To claim your free pass, please email us once you have purchased a pass and we will add your free pass to your account.